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Photo-A-Day | Documenting my children every day for the month of January. Follow along.

big sister little sister staring stephanie greenwell

I actually forgot to take a picture on January 16, so I’m using one I took on the 17th.
Plus, I love this one, so I wanted to share anyway.

As I mentioned on day No. 1 of this project,
Aubrey loves her baby sister.
She carries her around the house,
and it’s quite a funny sight to see.
Aubrey is a tiny thing,
Harper is a slight chunk,
So seeing the two of them mobile around the house,
Harper soaking up all of Aubrey’s little hip,
it’s quite the funny, but so adorable sight.
Harper, or “Harpey” as she is affectionately called,
loves all of the attention she gets from her old siblings.
But she shows an independence
And a certain fire when she doesn’t want anyone to mess with her
Or when she just wants to do it herself.
Today, Harper was quite entertained
And proud
About climbing up in the Mickey Mouse chair.
Sitting, climbing, getting out, getting in.
Standing up, and sitting back down.
Aubrey made her way to entertain her sister
and then this sweet moment happened.
I’m thinking Harper noticed the lipstick her sister put on her lips.
That she didn’t get permission to do.
Girls growing up before my eyes.
But only one can’t get into the lipstick just yet.